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Cherokee meaning
I was wandering if anyone knows the meaning of the Cherokee name Siotha(Seeotha) or Sieotha
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Well, actual Cherokee people don't use the name Siotha and instead they typically use an name that looks/sounds similiar, such as Cynthia. Siotha was originally Sciotha. It was mis-spelled by Daniel Boone when he was visiting the Scioto river in Ohio. I read this on a website: ("Scioto was a Shawnee word which is roughly translated ‘deer hair.’ Actual translation is lost in time. The river Scioto was apparently named because there were so many deer and when they shed hair it floated down the river in large amounts. Many people having native backgrounds use this name in it’s different forms. Especially tribes in the south such as Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw."

This message was edited 1/17/2008, 2:23 PM

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Siotha is a Shawnee name meaning "Little Fish." This was my father's given name.
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More details please. You are one of a few who have a variation that we'll where I'm from they don't Eben know how the county sequatchie was named. So who knows if princess was legit either
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