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meaning of "gora"
I already posted a message concerning the meaning of Goran and received an answer by two kind people. However, the answers I have received are not clear. I have heard Goran comes from "gora," which means "forest;" yet, some say it means "mountain." Can anyone clarify the meaning of "gora."
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In south slavic languages, croatian and serbian to be exact, "gora" has a meaning of a forrest on a hill or a mountain, so it is commonly used to describe a hill covered with forrest.
Anyway, it became a popular name in these countries after world war II, because a famous poet Ivan Goran Kovaèiæ took his second name Goran, as a tribute to his homeland Gorski Kotar(region on mountains). He was killed by nazi soldiers in Bosnia.ž
The secon meaning of "goran" is as a inhabitant of Gorski Kotar, a region in Croatia.
Regards, Goran
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Gora means "mountain" in Slovene and "forest" in Bulgarian.Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
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Yep, that's correctcheck here for more info:
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