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Hi, I actually found this name on some random website. It came up as a Latin name meaning, "Beautiful". I am curious to see what you all think of it. Have you ever heard of this name? I would really also like to know how to pronouce the pronunciation NOR-ah-liss? Very confusing. Thanks everyone.
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I have heard Doralis, but not Noralis. The Latin word for beautiful is "pulchra", so the website was totally wrong. I would guess Noralis is simply a combination of Nora and Lisa. It sounds like a name from Latin America, perhaps Brazil.
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Here in Buenos Aires, there is this journalist called Noralis Romano, but we pronounce [noh - rah - LIS] and I guess this name is a contraction between "Nora" and "Lis" (spanish word for "lirio: iris"), also known as "fleur de lis". Hope it helps.
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