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I just emailed the site owner, but I forgot to make this correction. I am posting it here for all.Under the entry KHORDAD, the meaning of the name is not right. It comes from Avestan "ha-uuartat" which means "health". It is the name of the deity that ensures human health, and the etymology is not very clear. The name probably survived in the original form in the local name of Croats: Hvarati.
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According to one of my books (it's in Swedish, so I can't recommend it to you all :), the original form of Hrvati is Sarmat, which is derived from a Persian word: Sar. Sar means woman and Sarmat means "land of women". The Croatians are said to originate from an area east of Donau.
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?Iran/Persia is in Asia, Croatia is in Europe. None of them invaded the other. How would the Croatians derive the name of their country from a Persian deity?
Btw, the name is Hrvatska.
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Croatians came from the area around the Carpatian(sp?) Mountains in the seventh century.There were many tribes and one of them was callen Horovati/Hrvati and they gave their name to Hrvatska.No one knows where the name Croatia/Kroatia comes from.
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