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Do you have any info about the name Dalma?
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Thank you!Thank you all together! Your answers made sense and were helpful.
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Hi Swiff,I found the name in "Historisches Deutsches Vornamenbuch" by Wilfried Seibicke.
It is an invented name (for literature) from Hungary from the first part of the 19th century./Satu
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If it is invented and form Hungary, then it was probably infulenced by the anme of Croatian coastal region Dalmatia.

This message was edited 11/26/2007, 9:33 AM

vote up1vote down has Dalma referenced, and I quote as such: "Dalma is a very rare female first name and a very rare surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census)."they then go on to say that is, in fact, a varient of Dalmace, which is a very rare feminine first name and surname. I'm not sure how accurate those are though.
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