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help me
does anyone know what....YAHWEH m Theology
Pronounced: YAW-we
A name of the Hebrew God, represented in Hebrew by the tetragrammaton ("four letters") Yod He Waw He, transliterated into Roman script Y H W H. Because it was considered blasphemous to utter the name of God it was only written and never spoken. This resulted in the original pronunciation being lost. The name may have originally been derived from the old Semitic root hwy meaning "to be, to become".
means?So my name is Jon and this is what it said Jonathan was, but it doesn't say anything i can understand i dunno what this means, can anyone help?
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JonathanCan you be more specific as to what you don't understand?Jonathan means "YAHWEH has given", and YAHWEH, as written, is the name of the Hebrew God.
So your name simply means "God has given".The paragraph you brought is an explanation about the name YAHWEH.
The name was never spoken outloud because it was considered holy, so when it needed to be translated, they used the 4 letters Y.H.W.H that sounded (more or less) the same as the 4 Hebrew letters in the written name.
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