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Arvinia, Primide, Elidda
Three feminine names I spotted today.
I can't give a time reference, but these ladies were buried in the oldest part of the churchyard - they were probably born between 1880s and 1910s. (Hope it helps)
Does anyone have additional info on meanings amd possible origins?Arvinia wouldn't be out of place in a Medieval/Reinassance epic poem (e.g. Ariosto), but I can't remember any character thus named.
Primide gives me a Greek-ish feeling. The daughter of a classicist, maybe?TYIA

Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars
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Elidda sounds like an alternate spelling of Ellida, which if I recall correctly is some sort of magic ship in Norse mythology and was used around the time that you mention as a name (the most well known instance being in an Ibsen play from around 1890.
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