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Meaning of Madigan
Could anyone tell me the meaning of the name Madigan (also seen it as Matigan)? All I know about it is that it is an Irish surname. Please e-mail me if you know! Thanks much!!
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The name is derived from the Old Irish family name Ó' Madadháin which was anglicised most commonly as Madden or Madigan. It means 'little dog' in Old Irish. The modern Irish word for dog is 'madra' and little dog would be 'madra beag' or 'madraín' - not a million miles from the original. The name is probably most common in county Clare which is where my grandfather came from. I'm from Dublin and although there are not many Madigans in the city the name is well known because of its association with Public Houses - there are a number of pubs called 'Madigan's'.
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Dear AllisonAccording to a website (, Madigan is a variant for O'Madden. For further information the site refers you to "Irish Families, Their Names, Arms and Origins," a book available from am also curious of the meaning of Madigan. If you could please tell me the outcomes of your research, I will be very happy.all the best
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Irish surname: 'Little dog'
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I love irish names! They rule!!!!!!
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