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Name pronunciation questions - Aingeal, Beitris, Dareia, Delyth, Ecaterina, and others
I am updating my personal name list and have been going through the feminine names in the database. I've gotten to G so far. Here is a list of names that look pretty to me but I don't know the pronunciation of them. Does anyone know the pronunciation of any of these names? Thanks in advance!Aingeal (Irish)
Beitris (Scottish)
Dareia (Greek)
Delyth (Welsh)
Ecaterina (Romanian) - Is this pronounced anything like the Russian Ekaterina?
Edmé [Edme] (Scottish)
Efa (Welsh)
Elah (Jewish) - Is this pronounced like Ella?
Elaheh (Iranian)
Elene (Greek, Georgian)
Enikö [Eniko] (Hungarian)- - - - - - - - - -
My darling !! PPs are Arthur and Cerys.

This message was edited 10/27/2007, 10:55 PM

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Elah is eh-LAH
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AingealAingeal is pronounced: ANG-guhl (a bit like the word angle, in English)
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EniköEnikö [Eniko] is pr. EN-ee-kuh. Approximately.
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EleneElene and Eleni are both pronounced eh-LEH-nee in Greek. I'm not positive about the others.
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ElahehElaheh is I believe pronounced as eh:-LAH:-heh: (: indicates long vowels).
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