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meaning of Vianne
If anyone knows the meaning of the name Vianne please email. It think it's french.
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I LOVE this name... I was just watching Chocolat and the main character's name is Vianne. I think it's beautiful. The closest name I've come across to finding out what it means is Vian... which would just be a different spelling, I guess.
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I t means "living one".
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In which language is the origin of the name & where did u find the meaning as "living one"
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get a new name vianne is terible
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Yeah, and "cheveto" is a great name. Please.
Vianne is beautiful and unique. Don't let anyone tell you different.
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I was told there is a town in Oklahoma U.S.A , by that name.
I called and asked (the Mayor) where the name came from and he had two possibilities so.....I'll let you call and find out for yourself.
Blessings! :D
" I know the thoughts I think toward you, thoughts of good, and not of evil - to give you a future and a hope. " Jeremiah 29:11 -GOD
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I think it's short for Vivianne.
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