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In a book about names we have I've seen this name - Maiwen - mentioned. It was only written there that it was from Bretagne. It isn't here in the database. Does anyone know anything about it? (Apart from knowing someone called so, that doesn't help much...)
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Maïwen, or Maïwenn (pronunced mah-ee-wenn) is a Breton name, a contraction of Mari (the Breton form of Marie) and Gwenn.
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I was born in Wales. My aunt's name was Mairwen. I have understood it to mean White Mary. Mair- Mary; wen, wyn, - white.
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I actually know those, though I didn't think about it like that before... My father visited Wales four times, if I remember right, and loves Welsh, though he never really learned it. But we know some words thanks to that. My sister's name is Marie and for a while she used Mair as her nickname.
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Looks like you might mean Mairwen, it's a Welsh name. Just click on the link to see details.
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Well, it's possible that they ommitted the R in the book... thank you.
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It is Breton. it's very popular in France at the moment.
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So the name Maiwen really exists? Do you know more about it? Could you, for example, submit it to this database? :-)
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I shall! And so should you :)It is a very pretty name. And yes, it does really exist! Oh, and I should clarify - I was perhaps wrong to say it was 'very popular' in France, it seems to be sitting at around 116 just now. it out...
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If it's Breton, then it's Celtic ... and the closest name that I can think of is Morwenna, which you can click on. Might they be connected, do you think? I just don't know enough to be able to do the sound changes etc.
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