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Does anyone know what Naike means? It's a name that where given to me in Peru. I have found out that a germany model is called Naike and I think it's also a name from Nepal. Finally I have found out that it might also be a male name in Italy.
I would be really happy if somebody knew what Naike means. If it means something.Christina
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Naike is a autumn flower in South America and it also comes from Nike, the Greek Godess of the victory. Not Italian at all.
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It means in spanish, Flor de otoño. (a fall flower)
is a female name.
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Hi, my name is Naike. It is my birth name and until I married I was 'Naike Heidi Natascia Ghisu'. My father is Italian but, am sure it is not of Italian origin. Have done extensive search in this direction. An actress from the film 'Flash Gordon' had a baby called Naike and this inspired my parents (aren't they great?!) to give the name to me. You may be interested to know that a Japanese chemical handling company has the same name (web address; no clues there either. Naike Rivelli appears to be the best known Naike on the web and in celebration she takes her clothes off alot.
All the best with your search. I like the Nepal link, very exotic...
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Hello!My real name is Naike and I would like that if you find out something else about my name please let me know. I thought that naike was a south american flower.
PS:I live in Spain
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Hello, this is Naike, from Italy. Actually I'm a girl, even if this name is given, sometimes, also to men. I suppose the name is from a North America Originary tribu and it means "confusion". someone sais it means "warrior" but I don't think that. Greetings,Naike
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I think that in hawaian it means little devil
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