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oh dear, what's the pronunciation of Salome again?
I saw the old posts, and I made a poll to find out what was the most common pronunciation. I thought I had covered all my bases, but a lot of people chose "other": is "other"?Thanks!
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Similar to Shalom is an 'other' pronounciation.Another pronounciation would be to say it similar to Shalom (so the e is silent) as they have the same root letters and meaning 'peace'.
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I pronounce it sah-LOH-may or sah-lome, with a long o as in home.
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For me other would be: SAH:-lo-may (I'm Dutch btw), the first A is emphasized, long and AH not A. I hope that helps :)
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In Afrikaans the emphasis has shifted, and it's: sa-LOO-meh. The long o, which I've shown as OO, is actually a diphthong, like a surprised person saying: Ooh-er!, but quickly.
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OK, thanks. I was thinking the A as more of a AH anyway. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough.
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Go with what the site says,Hear it here:
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I had that option in the poll. most people didn't choose it.
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This name always confused me too! :/ Anyway, the database says it's pronounced like: sa-LO-mee, but I personally pronouce it sah-LOH-mey. Hope this helps!
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