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I was wondering does anyone know a person called this, or has ever come across this name before? I saw this the other night on TV, but I can't remember where exactly.The name isn't on the datebase, so I'm wondering if maybe it's just an alternative on the name Roman, Romeo or Romanus? I have no idea if it's male or female either. Sounds masculine.
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I'm not sure where the name comes from, but Romani (or Romany) is the language of the Roma/Romani/Rom (Gypsy) people of Europe. I know a woman in her forties named Romany; her parents are white Americans from Alaska, and I'm not sure where they got the name.
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Where I live, a Romany Cream is a chocolate biscuit, and a rival manufacturer makes a very similar product and calls it a Gypsy Cream. Not proof, but a strong hint!
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My Best Friend's Name Is Romani [Female].
Though, I'm Not Sure If Those Two Are Variants Of One Another.
[Or Different Completely.]
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Could the name have been Romani? As in the Romani ethnic group?
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I'm not totally sure. It's possible, but I saw it spelt distinctly as: Romany with the y.
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Sometimes "y"It is sometimes spelled with a "y". The name for the language is also spelled both ways. Either way, the name could refer to the group. Or it could just be a "creative" twist on the other names you've mentioned.
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