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what are some names with animal meanings?
what are some names with animala meanings or sound well w/ tabitha
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a lot of chinese or japanese names have animal meanings
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There's always Kitty.
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The main forms of the names from the "animals" theme of my own database:Adalbero Adolar Adolf Adolfa Ägid Agnes Aja Alparslan Alram Aniella Aniello Aras Arda Ari Ariel Ariela Arlette Armel Armelle Arnfried Arnhild Arnold Arnolda Arnulf Arthur Arvid Arwin Asbjørn Aslan Astolfo Astor Bao Beowulf Bernfried Bernger Bernhard Bernharde Bernward Bertram Beverly Bjørnar Braden Branwen Brock Cailean Calandra Caleb Callum Caprice Catello Colombe Columbano Conan Connor Coral Corey Corey Corvin Dalmat Damaris Darby Darby Deborah Delphina Draco Drake Ebba Ebbo Eberhard Ehrentraud Enara Eveline Everarda Ezio Falko Felina Feng Flutura Gallus Gangolf Gavin Gerolf Griffin Guadalupe Gundolf

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look under "name themes", as far as sound, this is more appropriate for the opinion board.
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