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History of my name
Hi there, can anyone tell me what my name stands for? Jillian
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Your name comes from: It basiclly means "Father"JULIAN
Gender: Masculine Usage: English, Polish, German Pronounced: JOO-lee-an (English), JOOL-yan (English), YUWL-yahn (Polish), YOO-lee-ahn (German) [key]

From the Roman name Julianus, which was derived from JULIUS. This was the name of the last pagan Roman emperor, Julian the Apostate (4th century). It was also borne by several early saints. In medieval England this was also a feminine name. Julius means: JULIUS
Gender: Masculine Usage: Ancient Roman, English, German Pronounced: JOO-lee-us (English), YOO-lee-uws (German) [key]

From a Roman family name which was possibly derived from Greek éïõëïò (ioulos) "downy-bearded". Alternatively, it could be related to the name of the Roman god JUPITER. This was a prominent patrician family of Rome, claiming descent from the mythological Julus, son of Aeneas. Its most notable member was Gaius Julius Caesar, ruler of the Roman Republic and a skillful military leader who increased the borders of the Republic into Gaul before being stabbed to death in the senate. This was also the name of three popes
Gender: Masculine Usage: Roman Mythology Pronounced: JOO-pi-tur (English) [key]

From Latin Iupiter, which was from dyeu-pater, composed of the elements dyeus (see ZEUS) and pater "father". Jupiter was the supreme god in Roman mythology. He presided over the heavens and light, and was responsible for the protection and laws of the Roman state. This is also the name of the fifth and largest planet in the solar system.
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It *may* mean fatherAnd it *may* mean downy-beard.
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ClickHere - Jillian - and next time, search for it.
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And?Next time, the user is more apt to search and those reading it will be as well.
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