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In a Spanish names board a mother is considering Auryn for his daughter. I tell her that Auryn is not a person name but an object name, because it is the name of the medallion in The Neverending Story. According her reply, in the novel, Auryn was first used for the Childlike Emperess and after it was applied to the medallion. I don't have here the book and I can't check her words. Could someone confirm that Auryn is only the medallion name or that it was first the Childlike Emperess' name? Thank you.
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What does it matter? Who says you can't name a child after an object? Most people are named after objects, if you trace the etymology far enough! Or places, or professions! Why would you tell her "Auryn is not a person name but an object name", as if that's important?
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I don't have the book, just saw the film, and I answer mostly because nobody else answered so far:I tried to find any hint about Auryn being first the name of the Childlike Empress, in English and also in German (where the information on the Internet is somewhat more detailed, the book being originally in German), but did not find something.I am therefore rather skeptic.
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Thank you very much for your effort and your time.Your informations match perfectly my informations (from Internet and from some fantastic literature readers) and the German point is very valuable.Definitely, I think that the affirmation regarding Auryn as Childlike Empress's name was just a bluff to "justify" her choice.
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I read the book (in german) quite some time ago, but don't remember anything like that. The whole thing about the Empress is the fact that she does not have a name and needs the reader to give her one. The Auryn is her "sign" and not her name.And of course, Auryn is not a real name in Germany. However I found a few homepages stating Auryn as an australian male name ...
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