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where does this name come from and what's its meaning? Thanks!
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It would help if you provided more information about where you found the name and any other details you know, since I have found several sources from different places online.Savira is used as a female name in India and the Indian diaspora. It means "thousand" in Kannada, the language of Karnataka (a state in Southern India), and seems to be widely used in Karnataka. It's also used in other parts of the country, so theoretically I would expect that it is a Sanskrit-based name as well. However, I have not found any evidence that it is based in Sanskrit, and despite the fact that it is most definitely a name in use, it does not appear in any of the more reliable lists of Indian names, meaning that it is very uncommon.Savira Oy (Savira Ltd.) is also the name of a large company in Finland, but I can't find any information about where that name comes from. Savi means clay in Finnish, so perhaps there is a connection there? But that's just a guess.
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Could it be this name? سویرا Is that the same name as the one you were talking about? How is that pronounced?Thanks :)
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Thanks for your help already. I didn't have any other information last time, but now I found out that the girl with that name is from pakistan. Maybe different transcriptions of the name exist ?
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