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Strange names...
I feel a bit strange asking about this on a board that's primarily used for baby names, but I thought I might be able to find some help here...Both of these names belong to fictional characters, and I'm asking mostly out of curiosity, and a little bit to see if any meanings of these names might shed some light on the inspirations for these characters.The first name is "Xuchilbara", which I was told comes from the (Aztec?) words "xuchil" flower and "bara" spear. Can anyone confirm this?The second name is "Lobsel Vith", which honestly sounds entirely made up to me, but I've been surprised and impressed with the things the regulars on this board seem to be able to find, so I thought I'd ask. I guess I'm not expecting much for this one. Also, this might have nothing to do with the name, but this character is sometimes associated with the color yellow...
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xochi does appear to be an Aztec element meaning flower -- check Xochiquetzal and Xochipilli~ IvaylaI am an angel, honest! The horns are there just to keep the halo straight...
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Xuchilbara is certainly "Aztec". You have chanced on a very bad source. Xochitl - also a first name - is Aztecan for flower. In real Aztecan there is no "b", so I cannot tell where from "bara" has been taken.
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Aha! I knew I could find someone who'd know what they're talking about. ^_^The names were originally used in Japan, and so "Xuchilbara" could be a mistransliteration or misunderstanding. As I would pronounce them, "Xuchil" and "Xochitl" sound rather similar, though not very much...Also, I believe I forgot to mention this in my first post, but that name has also been written "Xuchilpaba", which again includes the "b", but perhaps it's closer to something... real? lol...

This message was edited 8/19/2005, 11:49 AM

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