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meaning of first name
I am trying to find out the meaning of a girl's name - Kimalee. If anyone has any information on origin or meaning a reply would be appreciated.Thanks
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Hi Bimble,what a conincidence! I have also been trying to find the meaning of 'Kimalee' and happened to stumble upon your message and MaggieD's response.I think the 'Golden Meadow' meaning actually belongs to the name 'Kimberly' (of which there are many variations, but I'm not sure 'Kimalee' is one of them).I've been told by a friend (who happens to be called Kimalee!)that 'Kimalee' means 'heaven sent', which I think is a beautiful meaning, but I am yet to locate or receive any confirmation on this.Anyone else out there can help??
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Kimalee - Golden Meadow
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