Re: feminine form of Etienne
in reply to a message by r
Etiennette :)The others are already closer to Stephanie: Estefania, Esteva, Estevana.But well seeing that Noel is used as a girl's name in other countries, Etienne might work as well (looks more feminin than Noel already :)
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feminine form of Etienne  ·  r  ·  6/12/2007, 1:41 PM
Re: feminine form of Etienne  ·  Minikui  ·  6/12/2007, 3:10 PM
Seconding Etiennette. nt  ·  Chrisell  ·  6/12/2007, 8:36 PM
Re: feminine form of Etienne  ·  Minikui  ·  6/12/2007, 3:18 PM