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wavie my first name what dose it mean
it was a name my grandma gave me her friend from va.was name wavie thats all i know about my name. where did it come from an what dose it mean.thank you wavie
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Bernice i was named after my mother's friend, where did it come from
what dose it mean. do all bernice's have similiar personality,character. thank you
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Just click on the link in your own post, or click here: BerniceNo, all people named Bernice do not have similar personalities or characters. Genetics and upbringing create character and personality; names do not.
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.

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It could be a form of Wavy, like the word, or a pet form of a name beginning in Wav-.
~~ Claire ~~
My ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen, Julian, Glorinda, Mirinda
My ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta, Yocheved
My ~ are Tehila, Tilda, Hailey, Gillian, Huldah
My / are Aglaia and July
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First of all, how do you pronounce it? wah-vee or way-vee?Perhaps it's an attempt at an anglicized form of Wafi -
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