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Preng certainly may be a variant of Francis, similarly to Frang, for a Catholic priest bears that and the name has been registrated in XVIII Century.
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*bangs head in keyboard*the albanish originality has spiraled downwards *sighs*. Whatever happened to pearls of wisdom like:

Telemaque: the name derived from the pelasigian or the illirian TE LE MAQUE meaning YOU GOT A BOY AS CHILDREN [sic].~ IvaylaI am an angel, honest! The horns are there just to keep the halo straight...

This message was edited 8/9/2005, 12:41 PM

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*rolls* You're great!...*pro-life*
~The Kelley Episodes~

Man at the store: Who's older?
Keren: Me.
Man: (to Essie) Why aren't you older?
Essie: Because I pushed him.
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LOL,what a gem :)))
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If it isn't the official "Albanish" netizen...
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King Zog is churning in his grave...
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