My name, German names, Polish names
Hello, My name is Chelsey as you can see. I love my name. I've never met anyone who has my name spelled just like mine. Do any of you know of anyone with that name? Also, My dad's father's side is German and I like the German nick names like Hanni and stuff, and I was wondering if anyone knew of anymore names like that. I also like Polish names, I've heard the name Fusia on a movie, it's pronounced "foo-sha." And I was wondering if you knew of more names, and if you could help with the pronunciation that would be great.
i want to find out what the meaning of my name is in German
I know of one other Chelsey and she ruined the name for me. If you want more German/Polish names go back to the main menu. There are different catorgories of names. German and Polish included.
looking for town name translation for the above last name
Well, check the sections of this site devoted to Polish and German names. If you give us a name, we can probably tell you what the pronunciation is.
can anyone tell me what phillip is is polish? how to spell the name that is?? Please email me.