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Re: satan
Satan and Lucifer are nor necessarity the same animal. Lucifer -- Aiosforos in Greek -- means bearer of light (i.e. knowledge, etc), and in the Greco-Roman tradition Lucifer/Aiosforos is a very good Demon indeed :)
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Another the Jewish bible (what is sometimes referred to as the Old Testament) ha-Satan is merely the prosecuting attorney, nothing more. Also, he could not be cast down due to rebellion (as is usually presented in the Christian bible) since he isn't "programmed" to do so (rebel.)Sorry for this religious lesson on ha-Satan, but I've just finished a rant here on campus on this very subject. :rolleyes:Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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...playing devil's prosecuting attorney, no doubt :P
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