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Hi,I'm looking for information on a Russian girl's name, Petrova. It is probably a feminine form of Peter. My question is, is it pronounced Pet-ROH-va or PETrava?Thankyou!
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And more...It is indeed not a personal name, but more of a last name: the English equivalent would be Peterson. The reason you might be confused is that Slavic people have 2 last names rather than two given ones. The second name actually means daughter of/son of and depends on your father's name. So, two brothers or two sisters would have the same second name.
Btw, I recently saw Petrova on a website that claimed it was a Russian given name. Is that where you got it? The site was called 20,000 names or something like this
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Not all Slavic people,as I am one of them.But the Russians,Chech and Slovacs do.
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We pronounce it Pet-roh -va.And it isn't a personal name.It means belonging to Peter,like Peter's.The feminine of Peter is Petra.
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Thanks guys! Actually I got it from a book, written by an English lady, however the character was meant to be of Russian descent.
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