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I was reading some Roman history, and found that two germanic leaders mentioned: Arminius and Ariovistus.
Arminius is the latinized Harja-man- or Hermann, but what are the elements of Ariovistus? The first element Harja- ?, but what is the element -wist- ?
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Hope this helps.Arion -onis m. [a cithara player , saved from drowning by a dolphin].Ariovistus -i m. [a Germanic prince].
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And...Ario, aro, arare, aravi, aratus V TRANS
be dry/parched; be thirsty; be withered (plants/animals, from lack of water)Visti, viv.isti, viso, visere, visi, visus V TRANS
go to see, visit, look atSo, Ariovisti ---> sight of the arid, perhaps...??
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Try...Marie-Therese Morlet's work on names in Gaul - covers a lot of Romano-Germanic stuff. It's out of print (and three volumes) so your best bet is a copyright library - e.g. university or similar.
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