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what does jenna or todd mean?
does anyone know what the names jenna or todd mean?
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Jenna is short form for Jennifer and it means fair.
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Actually, in Cornish, Jenna and "Jenifer" are two distinct names. And "Jennifer" (two n's), I believe, means "white wave". Jennifer does not derive from "Jane".
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Thank you very much!!!
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"Jenna" is the Cornish version of Jane, which in turn is the feminine form of John ("the Lord is gracious"). I love Cornish names - interesting and uncommon without being bizarre. There's a Cornish names link on this site; check it out."Todd" comes from the surname, which in turn means "a fox" from the Old English "todde". It's shown as such on this site.
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Right then so I'm a cornish white waved fox? Cool
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Hi my name is jenna , and i woul like to tell you that everything the the people so far have posted is wrong .. out name come from the english name gwen , like king authors queen.. so jenna is really short for qwen which means white and fair.
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