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Does anyone know what the name Erina means? It's pronounced eh-REE-nah, and it's the name of a Japanese exchange student at my school. I don't think she knows, so if anyone could give me information, I'd be grateful.Array
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What's the kanji? It'll help on the search.:rolleyes:
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A most interesting search . . .I found some quite varied meanings for this name!The first search revealed that ERINA stands for the Economic Research Instituea for Northeast AsiaSeveral sites listed it as an Irish name meaning "from Ireland"The most interesting one was an Australian site that said Erina was Aboriginal for black duckI would inquire to your Erina about her name - maybe there is an entirely different meaning.
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The aboriginal meaning is this: Erina clan, who took their name from Yerin, the place where fresh water and salt water mix near the mouth of a creek. I live there myself. Pronounced 'eh-rinn-ah'
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Pardon - I mispelled "institute" in the above
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Not sure but there is a town called Erina not far from where I live. (Central Coast, NSW, Australia).
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