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Seeking Merriment ap Calonycythraul - Welsh Wizard
Hi,I have Welsh family and would like to pick a Welsh name, are there any you would suggest, surname Morgan-Davies.Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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This should on the other board, but since I don't go there much - who cares?Be a bit more specific - what names (non-Welsh) do you like at the moment? Do you want to stick to names that would be easy for people in the US to pronounce (Emlyn, Rhys, Griffith, Megan, Mali)? do you want Welsh names that are already popular in the US (Rhys, Dylan, Megan)? Or names popular in Wales (Rhys, Gwilym, Gwion, Gwenllian, Ffion, Mali, Seren)? Welsh forms of European names (Gwilym (William), Megan (Meg < Margaret), Mali (Molly), Sion/Sian (John/Jane))? Or Welsh names only (Angharad, Rhianedd, Gwynfor, Aled)?Give me some parameters and I'll give you some names.
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I know I should have gone on the other board but don't see u there much. Thanks for the reply.
I do not like popular names in my country (Australia) which is similar to US. I would tend to go for the names that are traditional Welsh or are popular in Wales and not here. But not too unusual in spelling. One I like is Ceinwen pr CAY-win?Many Thanks
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Right, then.Ceinwen (kayn-wen) - the ei sound is halfway between ay and eye.
Popular in Wales currently:Girls:Seren (seh-ren)
Bethan (< Elisabeth)
Mali (mah (as in cat) -lee) (Ffion (fee-on) 'foxglove'
Cerys (keriss)
Carys (kariss)
Haf (hav (a as in car)) 'summer'
Angharad (ang-HAR-ad)
Gwenllian (gwen-hlee-an)
Eleri (eh-LAIR-ee). Also Teleri, Meleri.
Mererid (meh-RARE-id, < Margaret)
Lowri (low-ree, < Laura)
Manon - not the French name.
Siwan (sih-wan or shyoo-an, < Joan)
Nia - v. common. Actually from the Irish name, Niamh. This form was made popular by a play.
Eirwen (ayr-wen)
Eirlys (ayrleess) 'snowdrop'
Glesni (gless-nee)
Fflur (fleer) 'flower'
Gwawr 'dawn'
Heledd (hel-eth)
Meinir (may-neer) 'slender'More old fashioned: Eluned (eh-LIN-ed), Enid (eh-nid), Marged, Morfudd (mor-vith), Llinos (hlee-noss) ('lark'), Mair (mire, < Mary, very popular middle name), Anwen, Alwen, Delyth, Dilys (dil-iss), Gwladys (goo-LAD-iss), MennaBoys:Hedd (heh-th) dd = th as in then not as in think
Guto (gitto - this is a diminutive form of Gruffudd that is more popular than Gruffudd now)
Gwion (gwee-on)
Aled (ah (as in cat)-led) - river name
Eifion (ay-vee-on) mountain name, derived from a personal name
Ieuan (yay-an) very old form of John
Ceri (kerry) - unisex but mostly used for boys
Ifan (ee-van, < John)
Huw < Hugh
Gethin (gethin (NOT Jethin)) 'dark'
Eurig (ay-rig)
Euros (ay-ros)
Owain (oh-wine)
Emlyn (< Latin Aemilianus)
Griffri (grif-ree)
Lewys (leh-wiss (not loo-iss) < Lewis)
Cynon (cun-on)More old fashioned (not necessarily medieval): Gruffudd (griffith), Llywelyn (hloo-WEL-in), Rhodri (hrodree), Gwynfor (gwin-vor), Hywel (huh-wel),Really unisex: Eirian (ay-ree-an)
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Thanks so much...You are a Welsh Wizard, thanks heaps, I like some of the names very much, especially Ieuan, that is a great name. How does Ieuan Morgan-Davies sound? I may post this on the Baby Names Board and see what they think. Thanks again.Kyt
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Correction..Hedydd (hedith) 'lark'; Llinos - can't remember.
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