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A short story from real life...
Not so long ago, there was this couple who named their first born(a girl)Zul. No mn, no meaning. Their second child(a boy) Zel. Again no meaning, but this one had a mn all right... It was Swinger. It so happens, the town fair was in when this child was born. He was named after this ride that would,as the name suggests, swing you back and forth...
So, when the youngest girl arrived, the father wanted to name her Zol. Not pleased with his latest creation, he decided to name her after a singer, who at the time was popular in his hometown, called Tanya. But, how could he keep it as that?? He had to make the names match the other two, didn't he? And so, to save this name from setting apart from Zul, Zel, Zol, he came up with the brilliant idea of translating the misspelled word *sol* which is Spanish for *sun*, into the word Ra, Sun-God of Heliopolis, originating the amorphous hybrid Tanyara. That is how Zul, Zel Swinger and Tanyara live just to fulfil the day when they will get the chance to set the record strait...* Don't you agree, names that are a variant, coinage or elaboration of some other original form, loose their meaning, origin and base? Not to mention the ones people can "creatively" come up with...
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I think we need to save this message...... for the time Zel, Zul and Tanyara are old enough to post on this board asking about their names o_o.
My uncle's name is Zell btw. I never thought about its meaning though (or lack thereof)
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oops! I think it's time to finish my paper and go to bed instead of posting twice :(
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