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meaning of Lestat
A message similar to this was posted a long time ago, but it had no real awnser and I'm curious as well. Does anyone know the meaning of the name Lestat? From what I understand it's a male French name. Thank you!
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If anyone can tell me the meaning I will be very happy!!!!!!
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I want to find out more about the name Lestat where did it originate? What does it mean?I think it is a beautiful name and I would like to name my son Lestat but I would like to know more about it first, can you help me?I noticed also that in movies it is always a vampire that has the name Lestat, for example "Interview with the vampire" Tom Cruise played Lestat also in "Queen of the Damned" the star vampire's name was Lestat. Do you think this could have any relevency to the fact that maybe the name is very old, like the vampires in the stories.thank you for your time I hope to hear from you soon. ,Hope
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I love to Count (Bwahahaha!!!)Lestat is not just another French name. Lestat de Lioncourt is the fictional vampire in Anne Rice's *Vampire Chronicles*.Rice probably concocted the name from the Old French "l'estat" meaning "status, state or condition of life".
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I understant that Lestat was a character from Anne Rice's novel "Vampire Chronicles", but he is also a character in her other novel "Queen of the Damned." These charcters do not have much in common, except that they are Vampires. What I don't understand is why an author would have two seperate characters with the same name unless there was some other meaning. I wish that someone could explain the significance.
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