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2 missing Hebrew names: Vered (rose) and Pennina or Pnina (Pearl)
Both are the Hebrew word in modern Israeli pronunciation.
An Israeli version of Perl is Perla.
Varda is NOT Hebrew for rose but is a pet name for Vered which is.
(Varod is the color of pink).
Also Shoshana (Susan) is a rose, as mentioned in the bible "as a rose (between) within the thorns, so is my (beloved) wife among the girls" but the actual biblical flower is the Shoshan - meaning "having 6 leaves" and is a very beautiful flower which has no thorns of it's own. The bible is full of this flower mainly drawn on the pillars and stone walls of the temple and Jerusalem (and seen in many places to this day). The actual wild flower is sold in flower shops in Israel (the white flower is the Shoshan). The "thorns" (Hohim) refer to a thorny plant which grows near the Shoshan and surrounds it so that it is not seen.
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The Rose of Sharon (Shoshana) debateThe actual identity of biblical plants is an ongoing (and sometimes hotly contested) debate. The current forerunners for the Rose of Sharon identity are:Lilium candidum, the Casablanca or Madonna Lily (pictured in the florist link supplied by Pashute) This theory is supported by the research of Israeli botanist Michael Zohary.Tulipa montana (altenately Tulipa wilsoniana) and/or Tulipa sharonensis, wild tulips that grow on the coastal plain of Sharon.Narcissus odorus, Sweet-scented Narcissus/JonquilAnd there are several more contenders. Simply put: botanists, the Biblical translators weren't.
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Question re Shoshanai thought that the ancient hebrew meaning of Shoshana was lily and that the modern hebrew meaning was rose?
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If it's a white flower...
Y :)
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I know that "Shoshana" is rose, but what is the male equivalent or is it entirely different? Thanks. Gert.
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thanks Yahalome!
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