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help with latin names
I am taking a latin class and one of declensions (sorry for spelling) of Io was Ioni, it was the ablative case i think. I was wonder if it was ok to make this a name by its self. I like Ioni much better Io. Please let me know what you think. Thanks
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Try the Dative, for a start. Then think carefully about whether you want your character to go through her fictional life as an indirect object! (I presume she's one of your characters ... maybe not?)There is a name, Iona, which is one of the island names; I've seen Ione as well, but where from I don't know and haven't checked. Might be worth a look.
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Isn't Ione Skye the sorta-actress daughter of that sheepskin-squattin Scots hippie, Donovan Leitch? Hail At-lon-tis...
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