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The name Danaë, one of my favourites, is on this site. Am I right in thinking the correct pronunciation is DA-nay-ee?
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I like this name a lot.
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Yes, you are correct, although I have encountered a few moms who call their kids "dah-nay".To hear the sound of this name pronounced correctly, go to: click on "Pronunciation". Make sure your speakers are turned on.-- Nanaea
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Pronounciation is a tricky thing, as it varies from region to region. Bartleby's pronounciation is probably kolsher for most english-speaking cultures. I bet however that the French would accent Danaë in the last syllable. In Greek, Danaë (a three-syllabled name) is accented in the second syllable: Dah-NAH-ee.
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I meant, click on the pronunciation speaker symbol, to get the sound.-- Nanaea
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