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Meaning and pronounciation of
I am wondering about the Irish girl's name "Majella." So far, I have not been able to find out its meaning or translation into English or even (for sure) how to pronounce it correctly.Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.Best regards,Bobbie Grace
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Surname ofSt. Gerard Majella (1726-55). He is the patron saint of mothers and childbirth, which rather explains his popularity amongst Catholics. The name is pronounced as written 'ma-jella' The surnames of quite a few saints are used as independent names - Jeanne-Marie de CHANTAL for example is the origin of the French given name Chantal, and St. John Bosco is responsible for the small number of Irish catholics boys named Bosco (my sisters know a couple called Bosco and Carmel - you can't get much more Catholic than that!).hth
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