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Sirius & Kenshin
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Sirius? from the greek? Seirios ?glowing burning?Dont know if this is any help but in one of my name books i found this
SIRIOS- female name-from the greek, Seirios,glowing, burning.
the book goes on to mention the star sirius
i expect one of our resident Greek experts can tell you if this is correct or not:) as name books are not always reliable lol
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Indees, Sirius is the Latin form of the Greek Seirios meaning "scorcher". "Seirios kyon" is indeed the Dog Star. Seirios is used as an adjective for the sun ("aktis seiria" = ray of sun)and of things that are warm ("seirion himation" = a light summer garment).
I could go in forever, but I'm sure you had enough :)
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No idea about Kenshin, never even heard of it, but Sirius is also known as the Dog Star - a very bright one that signalled the start of the Dog Days, the hottest days of the (Northern hemisphere) summer. As a child I read a book which contained a performing dog whose stage name was Sirius because he was a star, but who was a Scottie and looked very serious, so his name worked on two levels!
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I think Sirius is a constellation, I dunno, but it's the name of Captain Haddock's friend's ship in the comic books *Tintin* by Herge.
Y :)
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Aha, another Tintin fan :)
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To be precise, I haven't encountered many.Do you know how to get the first two? Tintin in the Congo and I-forget-what? I have to pay money to my library for only one I think, and I'd prefer to buy since they're so rare...Haven't found them on the www.
Y :)
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Crumbs!This is goind to make you jealous, but I was in Brussels recently and visited the Herge Museum :) Bought a great Snowy poster, and a copy of "Tintin au Pays des Soviets" (Tinin in the Soviet Union) dating from the 20s.
And now for the good news:
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Alcatraz and Sing-Sing!Say, thanks! I guess didn't have them the first time I tried.
Y :)
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