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Name Meaning of Morticia
Hi,I'm looking for the meaning of the feminine name, Morticia. I would think it has something to do with death because of the "mort" but I'm not sure. Is there anyone to help?
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Hey you stole my nickname ;-)
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Ah, that explains things! I had started worrying about you Shay (original) :)
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I could be wrong, but I'm thinking Morticia may be a "made up" name as a wordplay on "mortician". It was used for a character in one of those (early 60's ?) monster sitcoms, "The Addam's Family".
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Actually, it was from a comic strip character.The Addams Family was a comic strip originally drawn by Charles Addams (I think.) The matriarch was Morticia Addams. You might be able to find stuff on the 'Net about that strip (if not in your favorite local library.)Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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correction......... no apostrophe in Addams
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