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jewish matriarchs
i thought about the possiblity of using one of the Jewish matriarchs names as my hebrew name. i really want something with some meaning behind it. what are some opinions on them? i put down both hebrew and english translations.Sarah [Ser-uh (english)/Sar-uh (hebrew)] or Sarai [Ser-ie (her original name before it was changed)]
Rebecca (english)/Rivka (hebrew)
Leah (same in english and hebrew)
Rachel [Ray-chul (english)/Ra-hel (hebrew)]
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jewish matriarchs  ·  mrs. x  ·  12/5/2002, 12:14 PM
Re: jewish matriarchs  ·  Sophia  ·  12/5/2002, 12:17 PM
Re: jewish matriarchs  ·  x  ·  12/5/2002, 12:31 PM
Re: jewish matriarchs  ·  Yahalome  ·  12/5/2002, 3:42 PM
Re: jewish matriarchs  ·  x  ·  12/5/2002, 5:13 PM
Miriam  ·  Anneza  ·  12/19/2002, 4:28 AM