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Meaning of my name!!!!!
Hya!! Please does anyone know the meaning of my name CAROLE?? Everytime i look for it always say Name not found. Its not that strange surely lol. By the way its Female.
Thanx Carole.
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What is the ethnic origin?
What does it mean?
Variant of Carole: The french form of the English Carol, a dimunitive of Charles meaning strong.
CAROL: A variant of Caroline or Carolina, "manly."
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If you search for it here, it wont say "Name not found"
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Click Carol.
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hmmmmChecking in y baby names dictionary (whichis rather poor, but still)
it says Carol as french for joyous song
i looked up carol in french, it says 'chant'
but i dont have my good french dictionary with me right now
what about carol being from the english word "carol" as well
so the name could be song too?
Anyone thoughts?
(Personally its nicer then the deffination 'man')~Silver
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Just wondered if Carole with an `E` had different meaning to carol. It really annoys me when ppl write it Carol,My name is carolE LOL
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I just figured it went by the phonics rule that says if a vowel/consonant pair is followed by an E, the vowel has the long sound. (Says it's name.) I.E.: Hat, hate; ton, tone; Dan, Dane; van, vane; rid, ride; sit, site; tub, tube; other examples: area, garish.
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