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can any one help me?
has any one heard of my name? i've never heard of any one else named Nimue. It's a female name from acient welsh or celtic and means Lady of the Lake. I'd also like to know the meaning of my mothers name. Dodi is a Hungarian female name. Thanks for any info you can get.
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Arthurian legend link - NimueDiscussion regarding names for the Lady of the Lake:
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Firstly, Nimue: I am a King Arthur fan, so naturally I have investigated the etymologies of just about every name of people, places, or things in the Arthurian legends. Nimue has several possible roots: The prevelant idea is that it comes from greek "numpha", meaning nymph. However, these are to more likely ideas. The first is from Niam, an irish spirit whose father was Mannan MacLir, the god of the ocean. She is described as having golden hair and frolicking in the flowers. However, another theory states that it is from Latin, "nimbôsus", meaning stormy, because some accounts of King Arthur say she is from Sicily. I prefer the Niam root, but Nimbosus makes sense, too.
Secondly, Dodi is a name that my research has been fruitless toward. In Hungarian, a "dodzsem" is a bumbercar and a "dodó" is a dodo bird, but obviously there is no connection.
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Well I think Dodi is shorter version of Dorothea (Gift of God).Semmosta!
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