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Anyone know if this name Timberly is just an alteration of Kimberly? It was used as a female name.
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My name is Timberly. My mom named me Timber when I was born. No one in my family thought it was a very good name for a little girl, so she added the "ly" on it to make it more feminine. She had never heard of the name before.
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My Real name is September Leigh & my nickname is Timberly..
I am 31yrs old... My parents got the name from someone my father was in the Coast Guard with... I have had ups & downs with liking it, but I love it now!!!!I know this was written last year, but I just ran across it...
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So everytime Timberly's husband calls her name, people duck...
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And Timberly's co-workers all wear hardhats.... otherwise nothing would EVER get done.
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I heard that name on 'Hey Arnold'...i wonder if it is a form/ alteration of Kimberly?
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timberly is an original female name the owner i know is the most beatiful person in the world.
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My name is Timberly
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i'm not sure if i know you Samiam but i like being referred to as the most beautiful person in the name is timberly....and sometimes i like to tell people that my dad was a logger but really he just worked in a pulp mill. my parents have yet to come up with a reason for naming me timberly other than wanting something different than kimberly.
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