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Latanya 'n' Natalya, Lekesia 'n' Aleksei: Presenting anagrams of African-American names (L-R)
Labertha - Albertha
Lacreash - Lacresha
Lacresia - Aracelis
Lacretia - Latrecia
LaDale - Adella
Ladawna - Lawanda
Ladona - Olanda
Ladonn- Landon
Ladonya - Yolanda
Lakeena - Kaleena
Lakeesh – Lakesha - Shakeel
Lakeesha - Kaleesha
LaKeisha – LaKeshia - LaKiesha
Lakeita – Latekia - Latieka
Lakena - Kalena
Lakesha - Lekasha
Lakeshia - Lakeisha - Lakiesha
Lakeshya - Lakeysha
Laketia – Latekia – Latieka – Lakeita - Laketia
Lakiesha – Lakeisha - Lakeshia
Lakieshia - Lakeishia
Lakietha - Lakeitha
Lakin - Kalin
Lakisha - Kalisha
Lamair - Almira
Lamarr - Larmar
Lamees - Saleem
Lameshia - Elishama
Lanasha - Lashana
Lanesha - LaShane
Laneshe – Shenela – Shelena - Lenesha
Lanise - Selina – Lenisa - Silane
Lanita – Talina – Latina - Lanita
Lannie – Linnea - Lianne
Laquante - LaQuenta
Laqueisha - Laquiesha
Laquia - Aquila
LaRae - Elara – Larae - Arela
Larah - Lahar
Laran - Arlan
Larice – Carlie – Claire
Larmar - Lamarr
Laron - Lorna – Loran - Orlan
Larone - Elnora – Lenora – Lorena - Orlena
Lashana - Lanasha
Lashane - Lanesha
Lashanta - Salantha
LaShaunda - Shaundala
Lashawnd - Shawndal
Lashawnda - Shawndala
Lashawne - Leshawna
Lashon - Shalon
Lashona - Shalona
Lashonda - Shalonda
Lashondra - Shalondra
LaShonna - Shalonna
Lashonne - Shalonne
Lashunte - Elshunta
Lasil - Allis
Lason - Sonal
Lataesha - Lateasha
Latai – Talia - Atila
Lataisha - Latashia
Latania - Natalia
Latanja - Natalja
Latanya – Talayna - Natalya
Latashia - Lataisha
Latasia - Talasia - Alsatia
Lataysha - Tashayla
Latea - Aleta
Lateasha - Lataesha
Latecia - Lateica
LaTeesha - Taleesha
Lateia - Atalie
Lateica - Latecia
Lateisha – Taliesha - Lateshia
Latekia - Lakeita – Laketia - Latieka
Latesa - Talesa
Latesha - Letasha – Shaleta - Telesha
Lateshia - Taliesha – Lateisha - Taleshia
Lathe - Letha - Ethal
LaTicia - Talicia
Latieshia - Taileisha
Latisa - Sitala - Talisa
Latisha – Shalita - Talisha
Latoira - Latoria
Latoiya - Latoyia
Latoni - Latino
Latory - Taylor
Latorya - Latoyra
Latoryia - Latoyria
Latrece - Electra
Latrena – Tralena - Larenta
Latrese – Laertes - Estrela
Laverine – Verlaine
LaWanda - Ladawna
Lawanne - Lewanna
Lecia - Alice – Celia – Ileac - Lacie
Leecia - Caelie - Elecia
Leeland - Danelle - Allende
Leena – Alene – Elena – Leena – Anele - Elane
LeeRon – Lenore – Loreen – Lorene – Lerone - Elenor
Leesha – Ashlee - Elesha
Leia - Elia
Lekeisha - Lekeshia
Lekenya - Kayleen
Lekesha - Shakeel
Lekesia - Aleksei
Lekisha - Keshila
Lela - Ella
Lemar – Mearl - Merla
Lemisha - Ishmael - Isleham
Lendoro - Leondro
Lenesha – Shenela – Shelena - Laneshe
Lenisa - Selina – Lanise – Silane - Saline
Lenoria - Loraine
Leonda - Donela
Leondro - Lendoro
LeRinda - Ireland
LeRon - Loren – Lorne - Ronel
Lerone – Lenore – Loreen – Lorene – Ronlee – Leeron - Elenor
LeSean - Selena
Lesha - Shela – Helsa – Shale – Selah - Hales
Leshia - Elisha – Ashlie - Sheila
Leshondra - Shalondre
Lesia - Elias – Liesa
LeSonn - Nelson
Lesra - Lares - Lersa
Letasha - Letasha – Talesha - Shaleta
Levone - Leevon
Lieta - Elita
Liron - Ronli – Lorin - Orlin
Litia – Ilita - Litai
Loida - Odila - Idola
Lynda - Dylan
Lyndee - Leyden
Lynita - Tylina
Maceo - Cameo
Maiya - Miaya
Malene - Neelam
Malica - Camila
Malsha - Shamal
Maraja - Jamaar - Jamara
Marleen - Marlene
Maron - Roman – Norma – Ramon - Moran
Martel - Tramel - Malter
Mekeda - Dakeem
Melcia - Meical – Malice - Melcia
Meleia - Amelie – Emelia - Mealie
Meliah - Mihael - Hiemal
Melida - Maidel – Imelda
Melika – Mikael
Melna - Leman
Merton – Montre – Mentor - Morten
Mesach - Schema
Mikal - Malik – Milka - Kamil
Milah - Halim - Hilma
Mishon - Shimon
Mondea - Damone – Daemon – Modena - Mondea
Monich - Mochni - Michon
Montray - Amyntor - Raymont
Mumia - Imamu
Mylandra - Maryland
N’Dea - Dane – Edan – Dena - Aden
Nakesha – Shakena - Kanesha
Nakia – Anika - Kiana
Nakida - Danika
Naquan - Quanna
Narmenia - Marianne
Nashauna - Nashuana
Nashawna - Shawanna
Nashida - Dhisana
Nashom - Shamon
Natousha - Toshauna
Necia – Caine - Nicea
Neissia - Niessia
Nekai - Keani – Keina – Kaine – En-Kai
Neshia - Niesha
Nesia - Niesa – Senia – Anise - Siena
Nianda - Dianna
Nidia - India
Nidya - Dyani
Nikisha - Kinisha
Nikola - Ilonka - Kaolin
Nisha - Shina - Shani
Nydia – Nidya - Dyani
Nyesha - Shenay - Shayne
O’Neil - Lonie
O’Niell - Nollie – Lionel - Niello
Olanda - Ladona
Omarr - Morra
Ordena - Orenda - Dorean
Orelon - Leonor
Ornella - Ronella
Parish - Saphir
Quanesha - Shanequa
Quaneta - Tequana
Quanisha - Shaniqua - Shaquani
Quansha - Shaquan
Quenisha - Sheniqua - Shanique
Raddy – Dryad - Dardy
Radell - Darell - Ardell
Rahada - Hadara
Raheem – Hemera – Hareem
Rahmel – Harlem - Mahler
Rahsean - Rashane – Reshana - Rashean
Rakeem - Kareem
Rashaan - Rashana
Rasham - Marsha - Shamar
Rashane – Rashean - Reshana
Rashanta - Shantara
Rashaun - Raushan
Rashon - Roshan - Sharon
Rashona - Rohsaan
Rashonda - Sharonda
Rashun - Rashnu
Rashunda - Andrusha - Shaundra
Raymone - Romayne
Raymont - Amyntor - Montray
Rchanae - Arachne
Rekale - Karlee
Reshaunda - Shaundrea
Reshawnda - Shawndrea
Reshay - Ryesha
Resheen - Shereen
Reshonta - Sheraton
Rhadi - Hardi
Rikaiya - Akiriya
Roana - Aaron - Anora
Robaine - Breonia
Rolandis - Rosalind
Romanos - Mansoor
Romayne - Raymone
Romello - Morello
Romone - Monroe
Ronalee - Eleanor - Elenora
Rondale - Rondeal - Elondra - Ladrone - Leandro - Leonard - Leondra - Orlenda
Rondall - Rolland
Rondey - Rodney
Roneisha - Roneshia - Riniesha
Ronella - Ornella
Ronelle - Ornelle
Ronetta - Ornetta
Ronice - Corine – Enrico
Ronisha - Roshani
Ronita - Torian – Tornia - Tranio
Ronlee - Lenore – Loreen – Lorene – Lerone – Leeron - Elenor
Ronli - Liron – Ronli – Lorin - Orlin
Ronlie - Elinor - Lorine
Ronna - Arnon - Ranon
Ronne - Ronen
Ronnesa - Rosanne
Ronni - Ronin
Ronnie - Norine
Rontae - Renato
Roshane - Roshean
Roshanta - Shontara - Shantora
Rosheen – Shoreen - Roshene
Rydell - DyrellTo be continued....
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I see you *were* anagramming furiously all day yesterday. :) Cool list!-- Nanaea
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Its a black thing!Yep! Of all ethnicities, African-American names appear to be the most prone to anagrams :D
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