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cant find my name
Hi,i was looking for the meaning of my name ( Almir ) but couldnt find it. so far i found out that this name exists manly in Brazil and the former Yugoslavia, I hope you can help me out here. ThanksKind regards
Almir Muminovic
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cant find my namehi there! my name is Elona and i want to know if is possibile to find the meaning and the origine of my name. thanx
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Elona seems to be a feminine form of Elon, which is a Hebrew name and means oak tree.
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cant find my namehi there! my name is Gesti and i want to know if is possibile to find the meaning and the origine of my name. thanx
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Ja sam iz Bosne pa javi se
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Almir,I'm going to assume that your name is Bosnian. Unfortunately, the one "Bosnian first names" site I could find has been disabled, and nothing turns up in lists of Turkish names. Maybe Nan or Prepuce will have better luck.
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Trying to single out "Bosnian names" would be an exercise in futility, old bean. States such as Bosnia, Kossovo, Macedonia, etc., are fairly new-fangled concoctions encompassing mosaic of ethnicities. Whenever I meet someone from the region (Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim) I ask them what they consider themselves: believe me, the majority reply in the most politically-incorrect by western standards way: "I am Yugoslavian". An example being Emir Kusturica, a great Yugoslavian film director, whose background includes a hefty dose of all the region's ethnicities.
Just asked an Albanian colleague about the name Almir. She claims that it is quite common in her neck of the woods, and that the name is based on "mir" which means "good" in Albanian. I conjecture that the Albanian "mir" may be related to the Slavic "mir" (meaning peace) which in turn, is related to the Greek "irene" (also meaning peace). Lets drink to that.
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Would love to know any meanings for the name "Kia". Thanks.
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love this site
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what is the meaning of my name?
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Hi there Destri!
My partner and I are going to call one of our children Destri as we just fell in love with the name the first time we met a guy in the RNZAF named Destri!
I wanted to look up the meaning of the name and found this out - so here is my version and the reasons behind the name meaning.I had to break it down into two parts...Des - meaning Desire
Tri - meaning geometry in french - the study of shapesSo I put the two together and the meaning I will explain to my child is Destri - Shaped Desire.Hope that this helps you out and that you will write back to me at my email and let me know what you think.Cheers
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What does my name mean?
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i'm a girl from albania and i'd like to know the origin of my name.thank you
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i have been told by a woman that its european i dont remember the meaning though but felt that maybe this info would help a fellow elona......
elona rivera
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I'm really looking to find out what my cousin name mean? (Shaminique)
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I'd wondered whether that name of "Almir" might have been composed of two elements: "Al" and "mir" -- and you answered that, Priapos. :) So, could "Almir" together mean "The Good"? (as "al" frequently appears to be a definite article in Muslim names.-- Nanaea
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I think youre on target :)
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Yank thou! :) Heheh, I was in a bad doom, yesterday, and flame engine. But, eh! I'm rosy torn about it. Some Sue cells people who come here *need* a good ski-sack every now and then. :)-- Nanaea
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You ace eelworm :) Manned bras are *the* rancid snail. In the very sword of a cruel shit, "Enviable twitters subvert poserish Owyda"(fart 'n' gem 55).
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Elisha Curt said: "Depravity now tortures shabbiest weevils"?Cool! ;)-- Nanaea
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He dried us!
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Obviously, Alice Hurst was an ol' Irish peep-show.-- Nanaea
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You satanic yataghan!
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