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Pronunciation of Carlisle and Carlyle?
Hi all!I'd very much like to know how Carlisle and Carlyle are pronounced, especially Carlisle, which I find the hardest.Thank you in advance! :)Regards,Lucille (formerly Lu)
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Living near a town of Carlisle, locals here pronounce it as Car-lie-elle or Car-lie-uhl. I would pronounce Carlyle the same way, but as a name, I prefer Carlisle.~Rebecca
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Oh, so you pronounce both names the same! Which means that Carlyle is actually Carlisle, but then written in the way you pronounce it. :)Now I finally get it! Thanks a bunch! :)Regards,Lucille
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But Carlisle IS spelled the way you pronounce it! Think about the words 'isle' and 'island'. So, Carl-isle! See?
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Oh, now I see! I always pronounced 'island' as 'ice-land', being a foreigner and all. But now I get it! :-)
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Also......aisle. :)
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I pronounce it Car-lie-uhl
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I pronounced the -elle or -uhl so you can't tell the difference, just automaticly. For that matter, who says you can't spell it 'Carlile'?
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