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How do you pronounce Hermione? (as in Hermione Granger)
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It's her-MY-on-ee. As in Ginggold.
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Dont know how you bluesy-folksy characters pronounce names there yonder, but here is how we pronounce Hermione this side of the Mississippi:er-me-ON-ny
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hola si tu ablas español quiero decirte bueno no creo que quieras esque el jueves 13 de diciembre del 2001 va aber una posada en puebla pue. y estas imbitada si vas ven a la direccion priv.29 c sur 3514 a 1 el vergel bye espero que bayas
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Well, that's all very well for a descendant of the legendary Helen of Troy, but here on the New York stage we pronounce it the way Daividh said. :)Not only as in Hermione Gingold, but also as in Hermione Baddeley -- whom some might fondly remember as Mrs. Naugatuck the British housekeeper from the 1970s comedy teevee series *Maude*.But I think the name sounds prettier pronounced the original Greek way, anyhow.-- Nanaea
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