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Peggy a nickname for Margaret, Why is
MaRGaRiTe and MaRGaLiTE both mean "pearl".Margaric acid C17H34O2 from Gk margar(on) = pearl has
pearlescent crystals. It is a precursor of margarine.I think there is a strong connection between pearl and
its ivory color. Aha.MaRe = sea + Greek GaLiTe = "milky white", hence ivory (color)Now, compare (mar)GaLiTe andGalatea (gal uh tee'uh) n.
the woman brought to life by Aphrodite from the ivory statue
carved by Pygmalion.Pygmalion (pig may'lee uhn, -mayl'yuhn) n.
(in classical myth) a sculptor who fell in love with Galatea,
the ivory statue of a woman that he had carved.Compare Pinnochio (another carving brought to life) and
Hebrew P'NiNaH = pearl.So, maybe,
Margaret/MarGaLiTe --> GaLiTe --> PyGmalion -->
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Peggy a nickname for Margaret, Why is  ·  Israel Cohen  ·  9/25/2002, 7:14 AM
Re: Peggy a nickname for Margaret, Why is  ·  Anneza  ·  9/26/2002, 12:56 AM
PS: I think you might appreciate the fact that....  ·  Pavlos  ·  9/25/2002, 9:12 AM