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my daughters name is Wednesday, we are white/english. Wednesday as far as i can find out means the day of Wodan, who was the germanic god of war and the dead, later became Odin the father of the norse gods who welcomed the dead of the valiant and brave into valhalla. (i could be getting details confused)
the problem we are having is that we cannot find any other Wednesdays apart from the ficticious Wednesday Addams. we would be gratefull to hear from/about other Wednesdays.
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Greetings: I am the PROUD mother of a beautiful 9 year old girl by the name of Wednesday Ashley Clark. It is very refreshing to hear from someone else whose child shares this extraordinarily delightful name. My husband requested this name as he is in fact a HUGE Addams Family buff, however, I fell in LOVE with the name and the person. Wednesday has a tough time with her name because there is ALWAYS a joke attached from adults as well as children. I will show her this website so she will understand that she DOES share her name with other lovely young girls. Please respond. Many Thanks!
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an oriental look at the name WednesdayIn japanese the name/word wednesday is "suiyoubi"
The word wednesday is derived from the Old English Wodnes Daeg, which in turn is a translation of the Latin Mercrii dies, or "day of Mercury'. The planet Mercury is associated with the classic elemental water. Mercury is obviously associated with the element mercury.
- in Japanese Wednesday means day of Mercury.If anyone cares to know Monday is "getsuyoubi" meaning "Moon day"
Tuesday, "kayoubi", is derived from Old English tiwesdaeg, day of Tiw, which in turn is derived from the Latin "dies Martis", Mars' Day
Thursday, "mokuyoubi": Old English for "Day of Thor", which is from the Latin "dies Jovis", day of Jove (Jove is another name for Jupiter, king of the gods).
Friday, "kinyoubi" is "gold day" a representation of the planet and goddess VenusThis is all from the website listed above.
If anyone is recognizing this material, it is because it is from Sailor Moon. The inner Senshi's Japanese names are related to their affiliate day and planet.And I know a Wednesday Morrison.~SD
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thankyou, the plot thickens!
your reference to Mercury being assosiated to the element mercury may be a little missleading, mercury the element takes its name from the the roman messenger god 'Mercury'. the french for wednesday is mercridi meaning the day of mercury
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say what?Yea I know the element Mercury (Hg) gets its name from the roman god "Mercury". And the planet Mercury is named after the roman god. All the planets are named after roman gods (including the theoretically provable, but not yet found 10th planet to be named Vulcan (Hephasteus in Greek mythology))
Now the day Wednesday is related to the god, but the god is related to the planet and element seperatly.
I was just stating they were all related.
So if you really want to push it, you can say Wednesday means "messenger" in roman, or "silver" because of the element. It could mean "water" because of the old belief that the planet was associated with water.And I think I will swear Mer-cre-di!!!
Thank you Daividh!~SD
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i am sorry, i missunderstood what you said or what you meant. thats what i get for trying to do three things at once! i got there in the end, sat down and read it properly once kids were in bed. thankyou and i agree with the french swear word too.
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I always thought "Mercredi" was wasted as the name of a weekday. It sounds so much more like what you might bellow when a Peugeot ran over your foot. MER-CRE-DEE!! Would've made a GREAT swear word...- Da.
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Whatcha call my momma?!?!?!
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