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The Good, The Bad, and The "Made For Television"
Wish Inchabod Campbell had a sub-board where we could get off-topic with a clear conscience. I saw two movies this weekend that fell at opposite ends of the quality spectrum: "Crouching Tiger" and
"Uh-TILL-a". Betcha can't guess which one I had more sadistic fun picking apart...
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Starting With the Mouthbreather Pronunciation..."Uh-TILL-a" don't cut it: it's AT-il-uh, dammit! (Just ask any Hun...or Hungarian.)And there aren't enough Hmong guys (or even Navajos) in the US who could've used the extra bucks, acted better than Gerard Butt-Head, and looked like authentic ASIAN nomadic horsemen to boot? Arrgh...Stay tuned for: Roman Battle Tactics -- Everything I Know I Learned From Watching "Conan The Barbarian"...
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Agghh! You think I'd pay MONEY to watch that dreck? It was on teevee! I'm still scrubbin the screen with Lysol!(Admittedly, I did pay 6 bucks a head up in Lex to watch Ang Lee's "Crouching Tiger", and it was worth every cent. No nit-pickin' complaints there, as long as you suspend your disbelief that martial arts types can fly like Peter Pan. TEN Academy Award nominations, and at least several are deserved!)
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Very poetic visual effects indeed :) But I'm fed up with great love stories that never quite culminate for idiotic reasons!
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Not having seen either movie, I didn't quite feel qualified to comment. :) I wait till they all come out on DVD now. I just don't enjoy the "movie theatre experience" these days.Unless, of course, I'm going to a midnight screening of *The Rocky Horrow Show*. In which case, I'm careful to pack my roll of Scott toilet tissue, water pistol, deck of playing cards, etc.Now THAT'S entertainment! :D-- Nanaea
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Typo/TypeauThat's P.C. Canadian for "Sacre Bleu! I hit the wrong keys". (Another generation of wholesale Canuck chain-smokin' and our Friends to the North can drop the bilingual charade. Nobody speaks that sorta-French west of Kitchener anyway.)Shoulda been "Ichabod" Campbell, as per the Redneck translator. Uh, nothing personal, Mike.
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