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Does anyone out there know the meaning of this name?
Owyda. It is a family name but no one in the family knows the actual origin or if there is one.
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Ignore the peanut gallery, Owyda. Owyda is probably a female form of Ovid, as pronounced by the Wizzygoths.
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Pewhaps it dewives fwom Owe-Ida, Ewmew Fudd's favowite bwand of fwozen fwench fwies. But that's pwobabwy wong... :)(No diswespect intended, but I couldn't wesist.)
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Offense taken, Daivid.
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You know, Owyda, before you take offense where NO OFFENSE was intended, it would be wise for you to consider the following before jumping in and posting on ANY message board.#1. Try lurking a bit first. Get a "feel" for the place. If you had done this here, you would have seen right from the start that there is a lot of good-natured teasing that goes on here. Daividh, in particular is one of the "regulars", and I have NEVER known him to post anything here with the deliberate intention of offending or hurting anyone's feelings.#2. Try reading the MESSAGE which appears at the top of the page when you hit the "post" button. It says: "If you are posting a question about the origin of a name please include as much information as possible. Most important are the gender and ethnic background." If you had perhaps posted a little more information about your name, Daividh (and the rest of us here) would have at least had something to work with.#3. Consider posting a "thank you" to someone who DIDN'T "offend" you while acknowledging your posting, as PriaposLovs did. It would show a bit of class on your part. Unless, of course, PriaposLovs offended you, too.Perhaps you just don't interact with a whole lot of different people on a regular basis, and this may be why you get offended so easily. But let me give you a tip, Owyda: Taking offense where NO OFFENSE was intended (as Daividh even stated in his posting) is extremely uncool.And if I offended you just now with this posting... Well, that's just too, boo-hoo bad. Don't expect an apology from me just to appease your thin-skinned, judgemental attitude.One more thing...Daividh's cool, and you're not.-- Nanaea
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NanaeaSorry about the misspelling of your name. Blasted computer keyboard last night shoulda been used for target practice, but what do you expect from a *universally used keyboard*?Phyllis
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"Sorry about the misspelling of your name."@@@@ I hadn't noticed, Phyllis. :) If it's easier for you, you can call me "Nan"."Blasted computer keyboard last night shoulda been used for target practice, but what do you expect from a *universally used keyboard*?"@@@@ Those University of Wisconsin 'puters must get a lot of use. I know the ones in my library sure do. Hopefully, though, you don't get many pranksters there who think it's the height of hilarity to unscrew the back of the mouse, remove the little ball from inside, and then put the mouse back together again.It happens way too often in public libraries. On the other hand, it does present the perfect opportunity to ring up the local office supply store and ask the salesclerk (preferably male): "Have you got mouse balls?" :)-- Nanaea
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NanaeaIt was at a computer lab, not a public library. I have a nasty habit of being kicked out of public libraries (but they have to close, too, you know ;) ). I spoke to someone about the keyboard problem, and he got a bit miffed ("Hey! Someone's stealing my idea! Now I have to think up a new trick for the computers." Wanted to do something drastic to him...) Said something about re-something. Don't quite remember, but you might get a sense (using your psi-chick abilities).
By the way, there was a guy I encountered that I woulda really loved to have asked about mouse balls. Treated him to an etymological lesson on his name, and translated it into three languages. Too bad he lives in Belgium, possibly returning to Russia after his education... Ah, but that's life on campus. They're either married, your professor, visiting, etc.
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"Married visiting professor":
First Romeo despairs virgin ...
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"Married, not-visiting professor" logic, 1998. "Not-married, visiting professor" (first name, Father), English composition, 1984. "Not-married, visiting not-professor" Aleksander (musician, concert), 2001 (the gent I translated name for. He's CUTE ;D) "Married, not-visiting not-professor" forensic sciences, 2001. I could go on ad infinitum (especially with a couple of my dance classes), but I won't.Phyllis
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Phyllis should beware of any professor at that university with the name of: "Pedro Moss Ferrari" or "Ferris Pedro Ramos". Because he's a "married professor". ;)Did you get the file I sent you last night, P.?-- Nanaea
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NanaeaThe married professor was one I had to Liston to very carefully. I swear he looks about 35 tops, but he was already working on his doctorate in 1968. To perdition it all.Phyllis
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Does he presently work in a forklift factory?
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Works in a forklift factory, was studying for his doctorate at the age of 2, stalks people on the 'net, gets pissed on Newkie Brown, and, for his own perverse amusement, tries to cajole people into searching the 'net for the meanings of Klingon names...Yep, sounds about like our Daividh, all right. ;)-- Nanaea
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PriaposLovs and NanaeaNo. He's the head of the philosophy department. We're currently discussing entailment logic and erotetic logic (logic of questions and answers) when we both have time :P. And unless Daividh was born and raised in Ireland, forget it.Phyllis
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Got the monster file Nan, but my 'puter cant open me error message that file is corrupt (the whole deal is corrupt, if you ask Hid Diva!). Maybe you could truncate the file in 2 or 3 'n' resend it!
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